Friday, February 15, 2013

The Best Valentine's Day of My Life

I received an email from mom asking "Do they celebrate Valentine's Day in Thailand?" Valid question. I'm sure many of you were wondering the same.

Well, let me tell you, Thai people celebrate Valentine's Day to the extreme! After thinking about it, it makes perfect sense because basically everything about Valentine's Day perfectly matches stuff that Thai people love: stuffed animals, cutesy things, flowers, giving gifts, candy, etc.

When I got dropped off at school in the morning, there were two big street stands selling anything and everything you might want to buy on Valentine's Day. And it wasn't just the 13 year old girls who were really to the holiday. Even my 18 year old male students were seen riding into school on their motorbikes with two big stuffed bears, one under each armpit.

This year, I got more candy, chocolate, flowers (and even a heart-shaped fake diamond ring) then I ever have in my entire life. As I walked down the hallway, students shouted "TEACHER, I LOVE YOU!" I basically got to relive my 5th grade dream of feeling popular on Valentine's Day.

When I walked into my first period class, I literally got attacked by a mob by students trying to put heart stickers on me. This actually happened over and over again all day as I walked into each class. By the end of the day, my cardigan was completely covered in stickers. I mean, what better way to tell someone you love them than by a heart-shaped sticker?

I found this note on my desk in the morning. It's all for moments like this, right?

Valentine's Day was probably one of my favorite days of work so far this term because the kids were so sweet and everyone was in a great mood! However, my friends who teach at another high school in Ayutthaya asked their students to create Valentine's cards during class and their students didn't seem to be as happy as mine. So to all my single friends out there - please remember that Thai kids feel your pain.

Photo credit: Mathias Connelly
Photo credit: Alex Kozela
Photo credit: Mathias Connelly
I hope your Valentine's was filled with as many heart stickers and I love you's as mine!
<3 <3 <3

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