Thursday, August 29, 2013

Stuff Thai People Love #5

MAMA (pronounced with an emphases on the second MA) is nothing but the Thai version of Ramon instant noodles, but Thai people seriously can't get enough of this stuff. The flavors of the seasoning packets are obviously geared towards typical Thai dishes, but aside from that it looks and tastes exactly the same to me. My personal favorite flavor of MAMA is Tom Yum Khung which is a very popular sour and spicy Thai soup dish.

MAMA is also probably one of the cheapest foods you can buy here, around 15 US cents a package. However, my friends tell me they think MAMA is more of a snack than a meal. There is literally an ENTIRE aisle of the grocery store and supermarkets dedicated to MAMA packages. What I find most funny is that many Thai people will often order MAMA when they go out to eat in a restaurant and they'll essentially receive the same instant noodles they could have made at home but with more oil. Image going to say, The Olive Garden, and ordering Ramon noodles.

Bon Appetit! 

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